
C3OS comes as ISO and as a CLI which can be downloaded from the release page. The CLI setups k3s and is also used to automatically register nodes in a private, user-defined network.

Currently Alpine-based and openSUSE-based flavors are available, they both supports autonomous kubernetes bootstrapping with the c3os CLI.

C3OS nodes can also autonomously connect and configure each other via a P2P hybrid mesh, no network setup and no central server is needed in that case. They will reach each other also if they are in different networks and behind NAT, establishing a fixed, hybrid virtual network.


c3OS uses edgevpn to coordinate, automatically discover/configure and establish a p2p vpn network between the cluster nodes.

The connection happens in 3 stages, where the discovery is driven by DHT and mDNS (which can be selectively disabled/enabled)

  • Discovery
  • Gossip network
  • Full connectivity

The initial installation is done with pairing via QR code. A QR code is displayed when booting from ISO, to allow deployment on situations where sending files or connecting remotely is inconvienent.

For mass-installation cloud-init can be used to drive automated installs.